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Zip Codes for Transport Requests

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:30 pm
by Steve Foley
Can I request that people asking for transport post the zip code of the location and destination? Using, finding nearby airports with a zip code if very easy.

Re: Zip Codes for Transport Requests

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:19 am
by Jon

Is there a way folks can post the starting town and state along with the ending town and state also? This would save a lookup except in those cases where a pilot is interested in pursuing the transport.

Also, for the non-pilots on board do not necessarily assume the transport has to start and end at the big airport. In general aviation we have many airports available and can often get cheaper fuel while making it more convenient to send or receive the animals.

Re: Zip Codes for Transport Requests

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:20 pm
by admin
Steve, great idea! I just added that to the guidelines section for rescues when asking for a ride for the animals. Jon, I have always requested that the city and state be listed so that is on there. I believe most people are very good about following that request. Previously, I had asked them to use the largest recognized town/city even though the transport may be in a smaller town. This at least gives the pilots a general feel for the locations. Adding the zip will be helpful when using skyvector, I agree.

It would be wonderful if you would add our website link to your sig line....that really does help spread the word.....folks get curious, click on the link, and there we are! I still believe that pilots who have actually done a flight, or are familiar with the program, are the best ones to get other pilots involved.....Not to worry about this group geing anything less then casual. The pilots have requested that it be this way and that is how it will stay ;)
