How to Delete or Edit Your Post

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How to Delete or Edit Your Post

Post by admin » Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:58 am

Log in on the Board Index page. Find your message and open it. To the upper right of the message you will see an Edit, "x" , exclamation mark to report a post, ? mark for information, and quote to include a quote from this message in your reply.

Click on any of these and follow the instructions. For example, the delete button will then ask you "are you sure you want to delete?" You must then check yes or no.

If you choose to edit your post, for example to put the word "DONE" in your subject line once your transport request is filled or no longer needed, you simply make your changes in the message BUT DON"T FORGET TO CLICK SUBMIT at the bottom of the message. If you don't, the changes will not be saved. You can only edit your own posts!

If you need to report a post for whatever reason, perhaps you have discovered that someone has listed a transport request twice, then follow the instructions and someone in admin will take care of it.