The rescue I work with has a CH kitten that we need to transport, but they are not ready to go yet. Should I post now?

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The rescue I work with has a CH kitten that we need to transport, but they are not ready to go yet. Should I post now?

Post by HannahS » Wed May 31, 2023 4:06 pm

The rescue I work (A New Beginning Animal Rescue) with has a kitten with moderate to severe cerebellar hypoplasia that will need to catch a flight soon. However we are not sure exactly when as she is not big enough to get fixed yet (we only adopt out fixed animals.) We are not sure exactly when she will be big enough for surgery due to difficulties gaining weight from CH but it should be in the next few weeks. Should I make a post looking for transport now or wait until after she is fixed?

Also, do they have to have their rabies shot to fly or will some kind of health exception certificate work? The vet we works with will do rabies as young as 4 months but prefers to wait until they are 6 months.

The flight would be from SLC, UT (84116) to Atlanta airport, ATL (30320)

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Re: The rescue I work with has a CH kitten that we need to transport, but they are not ready to go yet. Should I post no

Post by deeogee1 » Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:14 pm

That’s an extremely long transport that will be difficult to coordinate. It will take multiple pilots and possibly a foster. Posting a request too far in advance with an unknown date won’t help much since flights are dependent on weather.
Your vet can exempt her from the rabies shot with a note stating she is too young.
Good luck.