Flight Path and Nearby Airports Incorrect Palmdale

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Flight Path and Nearby Airports Incorrect Palmdale

Post by JMMSunstone » Sat May 23, 2020 8:06 pm

I set up a flight request from Palmdale Airport (93550) to 29 Palms and then checked the flight path map and it is way off. It's showing from South of LA instead of North. I also searched pilots near the sending airport and it showed me pilots near Torrance which is very far from Palmdale.

I'll do a screen shot and come back and add it
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Re: Flight Path and Nearby Airports Incorrect Palmdale

Post by mikegreen » Sun May 24, 2020 7:40 pm

I'm out of town now but will check when home tmrw.. We use the lat/lon from the FAA but its a bit dated.. Some of them had errors that were corrected, this might not.
Could you shoot the AirNav or AOPA airports link over for it and I might be able to look at it mobile...

*edit - Just reread - you mean the 93550 zip code is wrong (as a flight request will be zip to zip, not airport codes).

The zip code database lat/long we have must be dated/wrong. Some of them were centered on the main USPS center in cities for some reason years ago..
part time forum, maps, and web server jockey with occasional flying

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Re: Flight Path and Nearby Airports Incorrect Palmdale

Post by JMMSunstone » Mon May 25, 2020 9:21 am

I am not sure if the fact that Palmdale Airport isn't a public airport (military only apparently) impacted my results but the actual zip code for Palmdale airport is 93550. The problem as a PnP user looking for a pilot to cover that flight is that when I search for pilots in that area, it's showing me pilots in another area. And same for mapping the flight path as shown in the screen shot. Hope that clarifies some. My number is 9514539751 if texting is easier. Thanks!

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Re: Flight Path and Nearby Airports Incorrect Palmdale

Post by mikegreen » Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:42 pm

This is updated now -
https://www.pilotsnpaws.org/maps/maps_s ... opic=64412

Does that look right?
part time forum, maps, and web server jockey with occasional flying