Bundle of Beagles and More for Pilot Scott Messinger on his 3-day transport
This trip began as our regular Pilots N Paws run for the St Tammany Humane Society, but quickly evolved into a 3 day multi-stop tour of the south.
Stops included Smyrna,Tenn, Knoxville, TN, Greenville, NC, Florence, SC, Lake Charles, LA, Hammond, LA, and finally Caldwell, NJ.
The first stop was a 10 beagle pickup in Smyrna, Tenn. It seems their owner didn’t want them anymore, and threatened to abandon them into nearby woods to fend for themselves. Thankfully, this came to the attention of a local rescue, All About Animals , who picked up the dogs and called Pilots N Paws.
All About Animals had managed to pick up all the dogs before the owner had a chance to abandon them; that was the good news.
Now came the hard part… who would accept 10 dogs no questions asked?
One call to Ann Robinson at Sandhill Beagle Rescue in Greenville, NC, and they had their answer. Yes! Not only would she take all 10 abandoned Beagles, but also 2 more, if we could stop in Knoxville, and get them on the way. Of course, we would!!!
When we finally saw the beagles we were shocked. They were all little” fatties”, and obviously were indoor dogs.
There was no way they could have survived in the wild.
If they didn’t starve, coyotes or wolves would have killed them in short order.
We dropped off all 12 beagles Sandhill Beagle Rescue, and after a quick tour of Anns great facility (think-overnite camp for dogs) ,we checked into our hotel to make ready for the long leg to Lake Charles, LA.
One fast stop in Fayetteville, SC the following morning for our 2 southern “hitchikers” and we were on our way to Louisiana. We overnighted in Lake Charles, LAn and got ready for the next days flight up the coast.
The next morning we all met at the airport in Hammond, LA, loaded up 16 more dogs (westie mixes, a sad eyed cocker, 2 Jack Russells, and I forget what else) and were on our way north.
The weather was great the entire trip, and we arrived in Caldwell, NJ, around 7pm. There were a dozen, or so, very grateful foster familes waiting for us and all were eager to meet their new “family members”.
They were overjoyed to finally welcome their new pets to a better life.
A long rescue truly takes a village. Strangers soon become friends, as happened on this trip.
Special thanks to Sandhill Beagles, Pet ResQ,Inc., in Caldwell, NJ, All About Animals, Schnauzer Savers of W. Tenn, Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue, Russell Refuge, St. John Animal Control , St Tammany Humane Society, and Terrie Varnado, our talented OTRA transport coordinator, who kept all parties organized and on time. And especially, all the volunteers who waited patiently for us at each stop.
Scott Messinger
PNP Pilot