Many dogs, many rescues and one pilot!
Thank you to pilot Scott Messinger for flying all these pups to various rescues in the north from the south!
1. Paralyzed St B. pup whose mom stepped on her. Wearing a diaper and delivered from Ohio to Angels Gate.
2. Lots of Dobie babies from Vicki with Doberman Assistance Network to Sue, director of Distinquished Doberman Rescue in Pa.
3. Lots of babies from the south to the north coordinated by Linda Meredith. ( black lab pups due for am executions)
4. The baby dobie Sue of Distinquished Doberman Rescue saved and was squeezed in for transport at the last minute sat on my shoulder and kissed my neck for 4 hours up the coast. Without cropped ears she looks like a doxie. She had papilomas on her snout.
5. Overbred, starved pit mix, with baby pups hiding behind her. She is now FAT and happy in MPO thanks to Save the Orphaned Pets (Maria Mckenna)
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